
Monday, April 27, 2015

This far

Happy Monday!
Today we had our PBIS reader come in and read Sebastian's Skates.  A great story about trying new things and not being shy.  Later, we sang with Mrs. Crane and had a guest teacher in our classroom while I stepped out for an on campus meeting with my fellow first and second grade teachers.  It was quiet a day.  We continued on with our three digit addition for group 1 and repeated addition for group 2. As well, we learned about the Buffalo Hunters of the Lakota Sioux during our Domains.  Each student wrote an essay about which American Monument they would want to visit and why, which will be entered into a contest.  The prize winner will sit upon a Firetruck float for Morgan Hill's annual Fourth of July parade. 

Today's homework:
RAZ or 20minutes of reading and journal
Spelling: Mrs. A's group: 16.1,16.3
               Ms. Y.'s group: Comprehension worksheet and story
Math: Group 1: Lesson 2
           Group 2: Lesson 3

Spelling words: Mrs. A's Group : edge, yelled, yarn,yellow,yes,myth, symbol, system, cry, frying, 
                                                      satisfy, yawn, sticky, lying, energy

                           Ms. Y.'s Group: because, why, how, about, school, went, they, these

                                                       Special Days to Remember 
Events: Thursday, April 30: YSI will be bringing in wild animals during our at class.
Thursday, May 7: Officer Prim will be reading to our class
Friday, May 8: Our half day field trip to the San Jose Museum of Art and art lesson
The week of May 11th is our School Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday, May 14: Open House 6:30-7:30 pm
Thursday, May 21: Dental Screening for 2nd and 3rd grades
Monday, June 1: Field Day
Thursday, June 4School BBQ

Below are some pictures of boats and rafts we made with Ms. Duonio's first grade class last Friday.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Art, Wagons and RAZ

We are in the middle of learning about Westward Expansion in our Domains.  Second grade has decided to create covered wagons.  We will add figures, such as ox and horses, after our wagons are complete.  In addition, we have been reading stories from Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House on the Praire Picture book series.  These are available in the public library as well as school library and are a big hit in our classroom.  The chapter books are a bit above our reading level but are great books to read with your child. 

Every Thursday, we enjoy an art lesson with Mr. B. from the San Jose Museum of Art.  Today we created  wet-on-wet watercolor resist paintings about water conservation.  

 Tomorrow, we will have some first grade friends come over in the afternoon and make cork boats with us and test to find out if they will float.

Three students received reading awards for having 3,000 RAZ points or more.  RAZ points are earned every time they listen t a story, record themselves reading a story and take the quiz.  The receive bonus points when all three are finished from a single story.  This can be done at home, during class or at the local library.  RAZ even has its own app for your tablet or smart phone.  Students should be reading one RAZ story everyday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Week of April 13-17

Welcome back from Spring Break!  It was a great break with lots of busy activity.
Now we are back and have less than 40 days to the end of the year and Third Grade!!!!

Our homework for the week is :

Monday: Read for 20 minutes

Tuesday: Read for 20 minutes
Spelling: 8.2 & 8.3
Math: Lesson 30
Spelling work sheet for Ms. Y's group.

Wednesday: Read for 20 minutes
Spelling and Ms. Y's Group:PP1, PP4 & PP5
Math Lesson 31

Read for 20 minutes
Spelling and Ms. Y's group: PP7 and PP10
Math: Exit ticket 30 and 31

Friday we have a math assessment.  Some student will move on to repeated addition and some student will move to more three and four digit addition.  This is being done to meet the diverse needs in our classroom.

We have been having a wonderful time with Mr. B. during our Thursday art lessons.

Our butterfly and insect dioramas are spectacular.  We will be finishing up our reports this week.

Our award assembly is tomorrow, Wednesday, April, 16 at 10:30am.